Find out how to cure gastritis permanently with home remedies

6 min read

Gastritis can definitely be considered as a very troublesome condition, and it makes you extremely anxious during certain times. Hence, you might want to know how to cure gastritis permanently using home remedies.

There are a number of efficient medications that are available for the management of this condition. However, a lot of people might want to try out the home remedies first. This is simply because of the fact that the home remedies consist of natural ingredients  which do not cause any side effects.

In addition to that, if you use the home remedies, then you will not have to visit the doctor every now and then. Now, this is applicable if your home remedy is working efficiently. But, if the remedies are not helping you to manage gastritis, then you will have to look for other efficient treatment options.

Here, we will be listing some of the useful home remedies along with their procedure. You can go through this list, and then use the remedy that works for you. So, without wasting further time, let’s go through the important details regarding these home remedies.

How to cure gastritis permanently with garlic extract?

  • Garlic extract can be considered as extremely beneficial in tackling the different symptoms associated with gastritis.

  • In addition to that, it is very efficient in managing the H. pylori bacteria which can cause, as well as aggravate this health condition.

  • This fact has been proved with the help of several researches, and you can definitely give it a try if the symptoms of gastritis are troubling you a lot.

  • In this case, all you have to do is take some garlic, and crush it properly. Thereafter, you need to simply eat it. You will be able to see some improvements within the first few minutes.

Quit smoking to heal gastritis

  • A lot of people might debate about the relationship between smoking, and gastritis. But, it has been proved by research that smoking can induce considerable damage to a person’s stomach lining. This can in turn enhance the risk of developing stomach cancer.

  • If you stop smoking, then it will significantly lower the irritation to a person’s stomach lining. This in turn will allow the lining of the stomach to heal completely. Thus, it will eventually soothe the symptoms associated with gastritis.

Cure gastritis by reducing stress

  • If you are curious to know how to cure gastritis permanently using home remedies, then reducing stress is something that you can do.

  • We need to keep in mind that stress has the capability of causing gastritis flare-ups. Hence, you should always try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible.

  • In fact, if you lead a stress-free life, then you will be able to manage this condition, as well as its symptoms in a positive way. 

  • In order to manage stress, there are a number of things that you can do. These include yoga, mediation, massage therapy, breathing exercises, etc.

Avoid the use of NSAIDs

  • Excessive use of medicines in this category can lead to the development of gastritis. In addition to that, if you already have this condition, then taking NSAIDs can aggravate it to a great extent.

  • These medications include ibuprofen such as Advil, Motrin, etc.They have the potential to damage the lining of the stomach, thereby making gastritis worse. This can in turn lead to different gastrointestinal complications.

How to cure gastritis permanently using essential oils?

  • There are plenty of essential oils out there which can assist in the management of this condition. These include clove, peppermint, ginger, etc.

  • Some people might prefer using these oils in a diffuser. You can also consult a doctor to get a clear idea regarding how to use the essential oils safely for the purpose of managing gastritis.

  • If you are looking forward to using the essential oils for the purpose of relieving the symptoms associated with gastritis, then you should keep in mind that these oils should not be ingested.

  • If you take the essential oils internally, then they can cause severe side effects, as well as complications. Also keep in mind that the essential oils, and related medications are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Green tea with manuka honey

  • If you make a habit of drinking green tea, or black tea at least once a week, then you will be able to reduce the amount of H. pylori in the digestive tract to a great extent.

  • Manuka honey is also very beneficial when it comes to handling this situation. This honey contains amazing antibacterial properties which will assist in fighting off the infection. You will be able to buy this honey quite easily from online stores, as well as health stores.

Use Probiotics

  • In case you are wondering how to cure gastritis permanently using home remedies, then you should use some probiotics regularly. Probiotics can assist in improving digestion. In addition to that, it can also encourage the regular movement of bowels.

  • If you take probiotic supplements, then you will be able to introduce the good bacteria into the person’s digestive tract. This in turn will help in preventing the spread of H. pylori.

  • You can always get the benefits of probiotics through a number of food items such as, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. These food items can help in improving the symptoms associated with gastritis.


We have seen how to cure gastritis permanently using different home remedies. You can pick up any particular remedy from this list. If you want, you can also try out a combination of the listed remedies. With home remedies, you have to be a bit patient, as well as consistent. If you face any kind of discomfort after trying out any of the above mentioned remedies, then you must discontinue the use immediately. Sometimes, if you are suffering from severe gastritis, then you might not be able to manage it with the help of these home remedies. During such instances, you should get in touch with your healthcare provider immediately.

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